Geeks "R" Us
I was talking to a friend yesterday about
The Lord of the Rings (just before I decided that I didn't really
need to go to my Economics tutorial, after all) which kinda revived the never-entirely-silence LOTR fangirl in me. Anyway, giving it all more thought, as one is wont to do when there is other, less interesting work to be done, I came up with a list of the questions we are still left with after watching the movies. So here we are.
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Questions- If Frodo and Sam put on orc armor in Mordor so that Frodo wouldn't have to walk around in "naught but [his] skin", where did their clothes come from in the ensuing scenes at Mount Doom?
- How can the Great Eye be ever-watchful and all-seeing if it sees with a beam of light similar to a lighthouse's?
- Why do they refer to Frodo's ship to the Grey Havens as "the last ship" when it so clearly isn't the last?
- Why can some people still not be able to tell the difference between Merry and Pippin?
- Why, in the movies, has Gimli, Son of Glóin, been reduced to the role of comic relief?
- Are there any funnier Engrish subtitles than the ones for The Two Towers bootlegs?
- Does Frodo really wear Jockeys?
- Why does Legolas feel the need to state the obvious?
- If Aragorn had listened to Legolas about not lingering in Moria and about leaving the western shore of the Anduin River before the shadow and the threat growing in Legolas's mind drew near, couldn't the Fellowship have avoided a bit of trouble?
- How does Frodo get the chain around his neck to constantly change its length?
- Exactly how many times does Merry say Pippin's name in the scene in Minas Tirith where Pippin takes the Palantír from Gandalf?
- Were Arwen's brothers off on vacation somewhere during the making of these movies?
- Gorbag (a Mordor orc) wants to give Frodo's Mithril shirt to the Great Eye. Why exactly does the Great Eye need a shirt?
- Has anyone ever considered that the Mouth of Sauron might have been of a nicer disposition if somebody had just taken the time to buy him some good toothpaste? (ROTK extended edition)
- How is it that Mordor collapses completely, but the perfect semi-circle of land that the good guys are standing on just outside the Black Gate remains intact?
- How long did the Dead Men of Dwimorberg spend putting together that skull landslide? (ROTK extended edition)
- Where do we sign up for shield-surfing lessons?
- Who's really taller: Merry or Pippin? (TTT extended edition)